Exhibitor Facilities Information

As additional information becomes available we will be updating this page.

  1. Each booth will be 10' x 10'.  There will be 3' high drapes on the side and an 8' high drape on the back. 

  2. Each booth will have one 4' x 6' draped table and two chairs.

  3. The Exhibit Hall is not carpeted.  Due to time constraints the exhibit hall will not be carpeted, this requires an additional day of rent for carpet installation.

  4. Electrical connections will be available in each booth.  Each booth will have two receptacles.  If you require more receptacles please bring a plug strip.

  5. Phone connections will not be available in the booths.

  6. Internet connections will be supplied via a wireless network.  Exhibitors are responsible for there own 802.11G(or 802.11B) interface cards for their computers.  The connection will be behind a firewall, however, port 80 should be open.  VPN software might not work.

  7. We are working on getting internet access in all the presentation rooms.  More information to follow.

  8. The Exhibit Hall will be open Wednesday January 17th at 6:30AM for booth setup.  The first sessions begin at 8:30.

  9. Exhibitors must leave their booths up until the raffle begins at 4:45PM.

  10. We have arranged breaks through out the day (see the agenda).  All food and beverages will been placed at the back of the Exhibit Hall increasing attendee foot traffic through the Exhibit Hall.

  11. There will be a NorCalOAUG sponsored raffle at the end of day.  Attendees who complete a booth bingo card (12 out of 50 booths) will be able to enter.  NorCal OAUG will provide labels for each booth to hand out for the booth bingo card.  The prizes will be $100, $75 and $50 gift cards.  We would like to encourage exhibitors to have there own raffles and join us at the end of the day to give away the prizes.

  12. For shipping booths and boxes,  the address is:

    If you are sending small items (i.e. boxes, booth capsules) we should have no problem storing them as they arrive. However if you are sending larger items, items that are delivered on a pallet or in a crate, please arrange to have the items delivered no earlier than Friday January 12 and contact TBDS.

    Also for all items that require return shipping please place the proper label on your items to ensure a proper return.   Please feel free to contact Stephanie Gates if you should have any questions about the shipping process or to check if a shipment has arrived. 

    All non-shipping questions should be directed to Mohan Iyer (NorCal OAUG Board Member).

  13. The NorCal OAUG Board will be on site Wednesday January 17th at 6:00am to ensure everything goes smoothly.  If issues come up the day of the conference please look for one of the seven NorCal OAUG Board Members.  One will always be stationed at the NorCal OAUG Registration Table in the Lobby.